
  • About Us

    홈페이지를 방문해주셔서 감사합니다.

    About Us

    At this age of 100,
    Early diagnosis is essential to prevent lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

    Diasense Inc. has a chronic disease management system and has continued its business for people with diabetes since its foundation in 2004 for early diagnosis of diseases through continuous personal health care. We provide home medical devices such as 'blood glucose meter' for early diagnosis and management of diabetes and 'Citizen blood pressure meter' for high blood pressure management by Japan Citizen.
    We are focusing on developing new diagnostic kits and developing healthcare markets based on sales of medical devices.

    Company Overview
    Company Diasense Inc. CEO Joon Young Park
    Establish 2004. 8. 2 Business License 558-86-02122
    Major Business Medical equipment and medical product development
    Company Diasense Inc.
    CEO Joon Young Park
    Establish 2004. 8. 2
    Business License 214-87-57122
    Major Business Medical equipment and medical product development